Wildest Party Shoes Ever Created!

August 28th, 2008

Neon Red Trout Shoes

Have you ever dreamed of wearing neon red trout shoes to a party? Somehow it had not crossed your mind? What could inspire such an outlandish concept?

Poetry, for one thing. Yes, poetry.

My husband Bern wrote a poem to his sister some twenty years ago. She saved it and then forgot about it. A few months ago she ran across it and once again read the line that refers to “neon red trout shoes.”

The oddest things can be an epiphany for Linda, and this was a big one. She realized Bern absolutely had to have a pair of those shoes for his birthday this summer. Her husband Greg agreed and they embarked upon on online search for trout shoes.

It is astonishing how great a lack of trout shoes exists in the fashion world. The category is an overlooked niche for sure.

Undeterred, Linda decided she had to create the neon red trout shoes herself. She purchased a pair of Converse shoes in her own size as the test version. She explored materials and a variety of design concepts and then transformed the plain shoes into a spectacular pair of neon red trout shoes.

Linda’s Trout Shoes

Inspired by the success of the initial experiment, she bought a much larger pair of Converse that would fit Bern and set about creating his birthday shoes.

Bern’s birthday party was held at the Beartooth Fly Fishing Lodge near town. Fortunately Bern’s brothers, sister, and other family members were here from all over the country so they were able to join our friends for the party.

Linda kept her own pair of trout shoes hidden until she gave Bern his present. The shoes were a total surprise as Bern did not even remember the poem that started the project.

Bern and Linda Wearing Their Trout Shoes

Bern and Linda both posed wearing the fabulous footwear. The fishing guides who attended say they expect to see him on the river fly fishing in those shoes.

So, just out of curiosity, what might you offer for such an incredible pair of neon red trout shoes? Obviously Bern is not going to part with his special shoes, but it could be fun to hear what unique barter ideas you might have.

Detail from Bern’s Neon Red Trout Shoes



This post is part of the Problogger group writing project. You might have a great time exploring the other submissions!

Copyright © Lexi Sundell 2008. All Rights Reserved.

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