Carnival of Creative Growth #2

Welcome to the Carnival of Creative Growth #2! We have a wide variety of topics in this collection. I thank all of you who submitted your articles to the carnival and ask you each to post a link back to this page. This will help more readers find these articles, which is, after all, the whole idea of having this carnival!

Wanda Grindstaff presents The Buck Stops Within – Accept Responsibility for your Success posted at Creating Abundant Lifestyles Begin With Abundance Mindset. She says, “To have everything you desire, start with accepting responsibility for where you are and where you are going.” Not enough emphasis is placed on self responsibility, so I am delighted to see this article!

Belle Wong presents Retrain Your Senses posted at Abundance Journal. This article offers a simple but powerful technique to rediscover beauty and wonder whenever “clear seeing” is fogged by the sometimes-chaotic events of every day life. A well written article, it sounds to me very much the way artists perceive the world.

Hueina Su presents Life Balance Lessons: 7 Keys to Avoid Burnout posted at Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul. She addresses chronic stress from work & family leading to burnout and gives some proactive steps you can take today to prevent burnout and return to balance. This is a sensible guide and well worth reading.

gia combs-ramirez presents Being Intuitive with Your Intuition posted at The Science of Energy Healing. She says “Opening to higher sense perceptions such as clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience is one step. The next is understanding what we are perceiving and interpreting it in the right way.” She offers a list of insightful tips about handling this process well.

Albert Foong presents Little Secrets of the Power of Expressing Gratitude posted at The Urban Monk. This article is a positive discussion of applying gratitude in all things. He says, “If used properly, gratitude is a powerful force for healing AND getting what we want.”

Damian (EnglishBard) presents Why I blog? – The Bard in me is tapping into the A… posted at be the change – tread the path. He has some interesting things to say about traditional bards and their creativity as well as the necessary relationship to nature.

Michael Estep, Ph.D. presents Right-Brain Training – Practical Applications Part 2 posted at Intuitive Feeling-Learning. He talks about practicing feeling the way to answers as a practice for developing intuition. Down to earth, he honestly asserts you actually have to practice these skills to bring them to effectiveness. I like that!

Chris presents Wuji Zhuang: The Self-Knowledge Stance posted at Martial Development. The benefits of honest self knowledge are learned from this apparently weak but truly powerful stance.

Scott Lee presents Top 10 Personal Development Tools & Practices posted at Scott Free Thinking. As the title says, this is a top ten list, with useful information for further learning.

Ellesse presents Want to Join Me in a Vision Board Experiment? posted at Goal Setting College. She invites the reader to participate in a vision board experience with her.

Paula Kawal presents The Truth About Clutter posted at paula kawal. This is a clean simple post that gets to the point very well.

Erek Ostrowski presents The New England Legacy Discovery, May 18-20, 2007 posted at Verve Coaching, saying, “Mature masculine communities help men grow to be better men.” This makes sense to me, a worthy article.

Allan Wallace presents The Entrepreneur’s Mind posted at BFU – self directed learning for visionaries, saying, “How does the thought process of an entrepreneur differ from that of an MBA when starting a business?”

John Ringland presents An Information Systems Analysis of Mind, Knowledge, ‘the World’ andHolistic Science posted at Toward a System Theoretic Metaphysics of the Nature of Reality, saying, “This article is a product of my own creative growth and it also addresses the issue of creative growth… The main theme of the discussion addresses the issue of how does a vast complex system undergo a transformation from a state of obstruction and suffering towards a state of abundance and harmonious growth.” This is an extremely long article and is followed by a lengthy collection of links to further reading.

Kim Roach presents How to Think Like a Genius « The Optimized Life posted at The Optimized Life. Tips on how to think more creatively are given here.

Jenn Givler presents More on not feeling guilty when accepting payment … posted at Thriving Holistic Business, saying, “As a lightworker or healer, it can be difficult on many levels to accept payment for your services. This week, we are talking about how to shift that thinking and grow your business without the guilt.”

JoLynn Braley presents How To Use Your Brain to Lose Weight posted at The Fit Shack. This article discusses using affirmations for weight loss. She says, “however the same technique of writing affirmations can be used to release any blocks to the to flow of creativity in your life.”

Barbra Sundquist presents One Gear, No Breaks: Behind the Scenes posted at HomeBusinessWiz. She says, “In Part 3 of my interview with Olympic Champion Lori-Ann Muenzer, we talk about her new book One Gear No Breaks and the documentary of the same name.”

Joe Caterisano presents How to Attain Success posted at Self Help and Personal Development. This post outlines his view of how to acheive success.

John Wesley presents Is there anything we can do about violence? posted at Pick the Brain. He asks the question without offering answers, but expresses his own confusion about the matter.

Brandon Peele presents Relationship to Truth posted at GT. This article discusses relative and absolute truth.

My own entry in this carnival is a poem, best read aloud. However, I have not braved the trials of adding podcasting to my blog as yet, so this is clearly a do it yourself project! Let your left brain sort paper clips or something and use the right brain for absorbing The Apocalyptic Egg.

That concludes this edition. Don’t forget to add your links to this carnival. You are invited to submit your blog article to the next edition of Carnival of Creative Growth using our carnival submission form. Remember, all facets of life can express creative growth, so let’s see some more great articles next week!

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10 thoughts on “Carnival of Creative Growth #2

  1. Hueina Su

    Hi Lexi:

    Thanks for including my post in your wonderful carnival. I’ll come back later to read more articles, and add the link to my blog.


  2. Jenn

    Hi Lexi! Thanks so much for including me in the carnival – I am thrilled to be among such amazing articles 🙂


  3. Damian (EnglishBard)

    Many many thanks for including my submission.

    Its wonderful to see my name listed with so many wonderful and inspiring Authors on such a great site.

    Take care, remain positive, search for your truth, Be the change,


  4. Ruth Russell-Stern, Ph.D.

    I am thrilled to have found your website. It sounds as though many of your members are “Cultural Creatives” and it’s great to find people with whom I have so much in common.

    Looking forward to contributing.

    Ruth Russell-Stern, Ph.D.

  5. Lexi Sundell

    I am happy to hear so many of you are enjoying this collection of articles! I have been having a good time with them myself, so it is nice to share.

  6. Pingback: A Collection of Blog Carnivals - Daily Motivation - The Fit Shack

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