Category Archives: Energies of Love and Fear

Discussion of the different results between the energies of love and fear.

Intentions for Humanity

A few days ago I did a lengthy CCT information gathering session because of my concerns with the Fire the Grid project. Among other things I was shown that the Earth herself is protected in the situation, but the human participants are not.

Humanity is at an evolutionary choice point. We are free to make our choices and take whatever the consequences of those choices may be. This is both an enormous opportunity and a hazard.

One of the results of this information gathering session was the following list of intentions, which I am using with CCT. If any of these intentions resonate for you, I invite you to work with them in whatever way you use for intentions.

For an explanation of some of the terms in these intentions you can refer to my post, Fire the Grid, Sincere But Misguided. Your comments are welcomed and appreciated.

  • Let the truth be revealed so right action follows.
  • Clear, heal, and release the geometrical traumas of humanity on earth as appropriate at this time.
  • Clear, heal, and release the accumulated geometrical traumas of humanity on earth as appropriate at this time.
  • Clear, heal, and release the geometrical traumas of humanity brought to earth from other places and times as appropriate at this time.
  • Clear, heal, and release the accumulated geometrical traumas of humanity brought to earth from other places and times as appropriate at this time.
  • Ask to increase the light quotient of the crystalline system of humanity to bring it into harmony with the light quotient of the earth.
  • Let all drama/trauma stimulus energies increase the harmonic configuration of humanity.
  • Ask to align the harmonic configuration of humanity with the earth,supporting the earth in her transformation with humility and grace.
  • Ask for easy, gentle integration of these healings.

Copyright © Lexi Sundell 2007. All Rights Reserved.